Tina Sue (Adair) Kuykendall December 26, 1960 - August 2, 1998
I love you Mom! I will never stop loving you.
Donald Pleasence and Francoise Dorleac from Roman Polanski's 1966 black comedy Cul-de-Sac
Above photos courtesy of Tim Murphy and John Ellis Directory map and photographic collage designed by Daniel Heerdt
Hypnotic Eye title designed by Karen Rappaport
Above photos are the property of their respective owners
THE MAN WITH THE HYPNOTIC EYE was created on 9 July 1997 by Christopher Weedman. All images and professional articles and reviews are owned by their respective companies. No infringement of rights is meant or implied.
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This web site is not connected with the estate of the late Donald Pleasence. It is run on a non-profit basis and for Pleasence fan purposes only.
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